What the Heck?

So we attempted to write a new blog on January 1. I signed in on Bluehost and went to “Users” on the c-panel under tools. Bursting with enthusiasm, I brought up my OHEVOLVE dashboard, and was greeted by an entirely new system of BLOCKS. I was stunned. I think I sat and stared at the foreign page for 25/30 minutes in wonder. I wanted to cry, but instead I ran away.

I don’t like change! Once I have invested the time and effort to learn a system I desperately want it to stay the way I learned it! THAT NEVER HAPPENS..not anywhere…not ever. I was so sad. I love writing my blog. How was I to do that without understanding how to even put the words on the pages.

The computer…the internet…all of technology is so amazingly arrogant. Never are there Directions (look it up if you don’t know what directions are). Oh No! The foundational assumption this is based on is that we all grew up understanding how to write Code like everyone who is under the age of 45! I remember the first time I got a Blackberry. I loved it so much once I quit looking for directions. I treated it like I was learning a new language and we got along fine for a few years. Then something went out of whack, and I literally spent 3 hours on the phone with a woman in India I could not understand and could not understand me! Then I went to the iPhone and dedicated evey spare hour in classes and experimenting with all the wonder of it’s ability to do magic. I would fall down rabbit holes and have to dig myself out. I studied and learned and I learned about the mysterious Internet and fell down even deeper rabbit holes. And I learned so much about myself. I don’t like change,, and I know it’s inevitable, but I never give up! I will figure it out. I keep going back and back and back until the sun comes through and I get the information I need to learn something new and exciting.

So…I am back…and unless all the words on this page disappear when I hit Publish … we are together again. I missed you. I hope you will comment and give me some insight into who you are. Thanks for hanging in there!
