I love my dog!

i grew up in a small town in the south. Very small. People left their keys in their cars and their doors unlocked. Our town was so small we could walk to our friends homes by ourselves when we were very young. I think I was 9 and my older sister was 10 when we went to the local movie one afternoon. By the time the movie was over it was dark and we walked the four blocks home. I was a little afraid of the dark, and my sister he was even more afraid so we walk down the middle of the street to get home. There was never much traffic so we were not in danger. It’s likely we were singing and skipping our way home. Went out of the dark a German Shepherd dog again barking at us. My sister stayed still and I ran on the way home with the dog chasing me right at my heels. I was terrified and the minute I got home I jumped up on the porch and slammed the gate shut. From that point on I was afraid of dogs, especially big dogs with deep barks. I know it’s odd because we always had a dog. We were a family with five children and we had parakeets and dogs. But they weren’t large dogs, and besides I knew them. although I mostly ignored them. I was distracted by the craziness in my house, so a little doggie didn’t bother me much.

Jump forward to me in my 60’s visiting my son and daughter-in-law and my baby burrito, Jakes. They lived in San Francisco and i was there for Jakes Baptism, My son had a beautiful golden retriever named Fred! Fred was amazing and i fell head-over-heels in love.
i should back up and tell you about a cockapoo…”Frisco”…we had for the entire youth of my son. He was a gift from my in-laws for my son. i fed, groomed, took Frisco to the vet’s when needed and he lived to be 15. I liked him fine and my son loved him a lot! I was around a number of dogs and i liked them fine. My son really LOVED Fred.

Jump forward to today… I am on my third love affair with a glorious Sheepadoodle named Georgia. Prior to her we loved a black lab named Woof and before him a wonderful golden named Elmo. Georgia is unique as she leaps when she is happy- which is always.

Dogs, without a doubt, make our lives richer and happier. I do believe without them our life would be oh so much less happy and fulfilling!

Happy New Year my friends! Please God make this year brighter!

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I am a Psychotherapist who has taught Groups and Sexual Issues in the Graduate School at UNLV. I have been in Private Practice for 25 years, and am interested in writing a blog about all the nuance involved in relationships. I don't limit that word relationships; all kinds of relationships with those people and loved others. What are our connections? What gets in the way of healthy relationships? How we support and create our relationships with others, self and the world. I hope you will join me and let me know the places you agree and, importantly, the places you disagree.